ScriptFTP 4 Beta status

23rd March 2014

The first beta of ScriptFTP 4 was released a year ago. Since its very first build dozens of bugs and problems have been solved. As of today this is what is missing or does not work completely fine, in other words this is what is left to replace the trusty and old version 3.3:

  • It does not load encrypted scripts
  • RENAMEFILE does not take correctly relative paths
  • SFTP transfers do not show detailed info when VERBOSE(ON) is used.
  • There are some problems with large file transfers ( files > 1 GB). When the transfer interrumpted it does not resume the transfer.
  • Some further testing on Windows XP is required.
  • Scripts running indefinitely (with infinite WHILE loops, for example) may generate memory leaks. This also requires further testing.

If you find any problems with the beta please report contacting us or post a message in the forum
