PsPad now includes ScriptFTP syntax highlighting in the installation package

11th November 2009

The last build of the popular text editor PsPad now includes a ScriptFTP syntax highlighter. Only the installation of the PsPad latest build is needed to start working with ScriptFTP scripts and get coloured commands, comments and variables.

This feature is still not available in the mainstream version of PsPad, it’s currently only available in the development build. Until the next version of PsPad is released, the PsPad configuration file will be still available in the downloads section.


Happy birthday ScriptFTP

23rd March 2009

The fist version of ScriptFTP was released five years ago (March 23th, 2004) so ScriptFTP turns today five years old! 🙂
During these years I received thousands of thankful emails but I’m the one who has to say thanks. This project is a day by day challenge that would not be possible without the people who supported it purchasing a ScriptFTP license. Again, from the deepest part of my heart, thanks to everyone who make this project possible.


Syntax highlighting for ScriptFTP scripts

12th February 2009

ScriptFTP default editor is the plain and reliable notepad that comes with Windows. For those that prefer editing ScriptFTP scripts in a more powerful editor, two configuration files have been released for the popular programs Notepad++ and PsPad. Once set up you will get the ScriptFTP commands, keywords and comments differentiated by color as shown in the script samples section. This makes script editing much more easier. You can download the corresponding configuration file from the downloads section. As usual, any comments or suggestions are welcome at the forum.
