STOP Stop the script run
- The parenthesis after the command name are optional.
- To stop and close ScriptFTP use the EXIT command instead.
Command history:
This command is available from ScriptFTP 3.0.
$result=OPENHOST("","myuser","mypass") # If result is different than OK then stop the script execution IF($result!="OK") STOP END IF # Send all the files and subdirectories in C:\MyDir to the server PUTFILE("C:\MyDir\*.*",SUBDIRS) # Transfer finished, close the connection CLOSEHOST
$result=OPENHOST("","carlos","123456") # If result is different than OK jump to :failed_connection IF($result!="OK") GOTO :failed_connection END IF # Change current local directory $result=LOCALCHDIR("C:\destination_dir") IF($result!="OK") GOTO :failed_change_local_dir END IF # Download all the files and subdirectories to C:\destination_dir $result=GETFILE("*.*",SUBDIRS) # If result is different than OK jump to :failed_transfer IF($result!="OK") GOTO :failed_transfer END IF # Transfer finished, close the connection CLOSEHOST # Done. Stop the script execution. STOP # Go here when the connection failed three times :failed_connection PRINT("Cannot connect to the FTP server. Stopping script execution.") STOP # Go here when got transfer errors :failed_transfer PRINT("Error downloading files.Stopping script execution.") STOP # Go here when got transfer errors :failed_change_local_dir PRINT("Cannot access C:\destination_dir. Stopping script execution.") STOP