SETKEYFILE Set the key file for the SFTP connections
- key_file: The file path of the .ppk or .pem file containing the key
- SFTP provides additional authentication mechanisms such as the private key authentication. This way the user can use a certificate stored in a .ppk or .pem file to authenticate.
- This command must be used before OPENHOST
- User and or Password are optional in OPENHOST if SETKEYFILE is used.
Command history:
This command was added in ScriptFTP 4.3 (July 2017)
SETPROTOCOL(SFTP) SETKEYFILE("C:\my_key_files\test.ppk") OPENHOST("","myuser") GETFILE("") CLOSEHOST
SETPROTOCOL(SFTP) SETKEYFILE("C:\my_key_files\test.pem") OPENHOST("","myuser") GETFILE("") CLOSEHOST
SETPROTOCOL(SFTP) SETKEYFILE("C:\my_key_files\test.ppk") OPENHOST("","myuser","mypassword") CLOSEHOST