Hint: Renaming directories
As the FTP protocol use the same command to rename files or directories you have to use also the RENAMEFILE command to rename directories:
OPENHOST("ftp.myserver.com","carl","123456") # Rename the directory name RENAMEFILE("mydirectory","mynewdirectoryname") CLOSEHOST
A more complex example that uses the FOREACH loop to rename multiple directories
SETPROTOCOL(SFTP) OPENHOST("ftp.myserver.com","carl","123456") # Change current remote directory to to_be_processed CHDIR("to_be_processed") # Do the processing with an external tool $result = EXEC("C:\tools\run_process.exe") # If the external tool returned 0 means # that it was completed successfully so rename the remote dirs IF($result==0) GETLIST($list,REMOTE_DIRECTORIES) FOREACH $directory_name IN $list RENAMEFILE($directory_name,$directory_name."-processed") END FOREACH END IF CLOSEHOST