ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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In Microsoft FTP you can copy a file and change the name as you copy this way:

PUT LocalPathAndFile RemoteFile

PUT "C:\TestFile.txt" ".TestFile.txt"

and afterwards do RENAME ".TestFile.txt" "TestFile.txt"

How would this be done in ScriptFTP??
Hi there,

In ScriptFTP you can do so uploading the file and then rename it. For example:
Code: Select all# Connect to the FTP server OPENHOST("ftp.myhost.com", "myuser", "mypassword") # Change current remote directory. Files will be uploaded there CHDIR("/remote_destination_dir/") # Upload the file PUTFILE("C:\mydir\TestFile.txt") # Rename the remote file RENAMEFILE("TestFile.txt","newnamehere.txt")  

This does not solve my problem. I have to upload the files with a "." (leading dot) so other
users(companies) do not recognize the file until I rename it without a leading dot.

PUT "TestFile.txt" ".TestFile.txt"

After the file is uploadet:
RENAME ".TestFile.txt" "TestFile.txt"

Now the other company can see and download the "TestFile.txt"

Do I have to rename the file before I will upload it?
For that case you should rename the local file before uploading
it using EXEC. For example:
Code: Select all# Change the current local directory to the directory # where is located TestFile.txt LOCALCHDIR("C:\mydir") # Rename TestFile.txt using the DOS command rename EXEC("rename TestFile.txt .TestFile.txt") # Upload the file PUTFILE(".TestFile.txt") # Rename back .TestFile.txt to the original name EXEC("rename .TestFile.txt TestFile.txt")

Note that if you have to upload all the files in a local directory you
have to use the FOREACH loop and use variables inside the loop. If
this is the case let me know and I'll post an example.