ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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i´m looking for a function to upload a file with a temp suffix like .tmp. If the upload successfully i would like to rename the suffix to .zip. Is that possible and how can i do that ?

Thanks & best regards,
Hello Marcus,

By default ScriptFTP uploads the files appending .part to the file name, then, when the upload is finished it renames it backs to the original file name. For example, the file myfile.zip is uploaded as myfile.zip.part. Once the upload is finished and everything is correct, ScriptFTP will rename it to myfile.zip

So you do not need to write in your script file this process as ScriptFTP will automatically do it in PUTFILE and SYNC.

Further information can be found here:

Of course, if for whatever reason you need to upload your files specifically as ".tmp" and not as ".part" let me know. In that case I will show you a script to do so.