ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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I wounder if its possible to look into a local xml file and then move the file to a specifik folder if it contains the text "https://mydemoexample.com/test" somewhere in the file. If i do not contain it it should leave it without doing anything, otherwise it should move the file to a specifik folder on a webserver.

I am sorry but ScriptFTP cannot read inside files. If anyone has an idea or a workaround feel free to post here.

If the file is local, then you could use the information here:

http://www.videohelp.com/forum/archive/ ... 04523.html

To write a VBScript to read the xml file, search for the required data then create a file "found.ok"

Then your VBScript should run ScriptFTP from the command line.

Your ScriptFTP script should check for the presence of the "found.ok" file, then move the xml file to the required location and finaly delete the "found.ok" file.

Since you do not give much detail as to where the xml file is and where you want to move it to, the above is the only suggestion I can give.

