ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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I have a directory that contains 2 different type of files.
fe. 12345.txt & 12345.ok
In principle there is no problem but...
I want the txt file to be moved to a seperate folder after successfull transfer, and the OK file to be deleted.

Currently i have 2 seperate batches but that takes to long if you have hundred's of files to be uploaded
My currentscript is:
Code: Select all# -------------------- # Slighly modified by ScriptFTP support to fit the description given by the user # -------------------- :batch2 LOCALCHDIR($local_dir_temp) GETLIST($mytxtlist,LOCAL_FILES,"*.txt") FOREACH $txtfile IN $mytxtlist $result=PUTFILE($txtfile) IF($result=="OK")    EXEC("move ".$txtfile." D:\abg\files\ZPL\".$txtfile)     PRINT("Move...... ".$txtfile." to the ZPL folder") ELSE     EXEC($blat_cmd_line_2)     EXEC("move ".$txtfile." D:\abg\errorfiles\".$txtfile)     PRINT("Moved ".$txtfile." to the error folder") END IF END FOREACH ######################################################################################## # Uploading the trigger files that are in the TEMP folder # after successfull upload, delete all the trg files in 1 batch sequence ######################################################################################## :batch3 GETLIST($mytrglist,LOCAL_FILES,"*.end") FOREACH $trgfile IN $mytrglist $result2=PUTFILE($trgfile) END FOREACH EXEC("del /F /Q *.end")  
Would it be possible to do 1 getlist for all the files and the create a parameter/item for the txt file and a seperate for the OK file?
If possible i could then upload the the same files in 1 process.

Hello Marty,
Currently i have 2 seperate batches but that takes to long if you have hundred's of files to be uploaded
Yes, that is normal. For every file ScriptFTP have to call some external commands. Don' t expect a great performance.
Would it be possible to do 1 getlist for all the files and the create a parameter/item for the txt file and a seperate for the OK file?
You can do a GETLIST($allfiles,LOCAL_FILES,"*.*") to retrieve all the file listing and then for every file name of the list extract the last 3 characters:
Code: Select allGETLIST($allfiles,LOCAL_FILES,"*.*") FOREACH $file IN $allfiles $number_of_characters=TEXTLENGTH($filename) $file_extension=TEXTCUT($file,$number_of_characters-3,-1) PRINT("File extension is ". $file_extension) IF($file_extension=="txt") # Upload the .txt file         # move the local copy of the .txt file         # remove .ok file END IF END FOREACH
May be this answers your question. Could you explain the last chunk of the script where you upload trigger files? You didn't explain that step in your message.