ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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I have a folder "App_Data" that is on the server but is not on local. I want to run a Sync UPLOAD_DELETE command from my local directory structure to the server structure, that will affect all server folders other than the App_Data server folder. I do not want that folder to be deleted.

I have tried to add the following, but it the server folder still gets deleted:
FTP Script
I assume that the ADDEXCLUSION command prevents the local version of App_Data from being uploaded. However, I need some way to prevent the server folder from being deleted. How should I go about doing this?
According to

Syntax: ADDEXCLUSION(list,filename,path)
path (optional): local or remote path to the file you want to exclude. The path must be a full path, for example C:\Docs\Whatever\ or /remote_dir/whatever/.[/quote]In yours to a case
FTP Script
  1. ADDEXCLUSION(UPLOAD, "*.*","/bla-bla-bla/App_Data")
Excuse for my English, I use the machine translator.