This script updates a web site from a local directory.
It’s a more complex version of the example update_web.ftp. I tries connecting three times and if all the attempts failed it shows a message and close ScriptFTP.
# Write your own settings here: $webserver="" $myuser="carl" $mypassword="123456" $LocalWebFolder="C:\WebFiles" $RemoteWebFolder="/www" # Set the connection attempts counter to 1 $connection_attempt=1 # We will jump here to retry the connection :connect # Connect to the web server $result_open_host=OPENHOST($webserver,$myuser,$mypassword) # Check if OPENHOST failed IF($result_open_host!="OK") IF($connection_attempt<3) # Increment the connection counter $connection_attempt=$connection_attempt+1 PRINT("Trying again. Attempt number ".$connection_attempt." of 3") # Try again GOTO :connect ELSE # Reached the three attempts limit # Jump to the failed_connection label GOTO :failed_connection END IF END IF # If ScriptFTP reaches this point means that it's connected # to the webserver. PRINT("_____Uploading modified files______") # Upload new or modified files. Ignore subdirectories. $result_upload=SYNC($LocalWebFolder,$RemoteWebFolder,UPLOAD) # Check if SYNC failed IF($result_upload!="OK") # Jump to failed_put GOTO :failed_sync END IF PRINT("Files uploaded succesfully") # Close the connection CLOSEHOST() # Stop the script execution STOP # Go here when something with the upload is wrong :failed_sync PRINT("Error uploading files") CLOSEHOST() STOP # Go here when the connection failed three times :failed_connection PRINT("Cannot connect to the FTP server.") STOP