ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

The forum is now read only. Please, go to the the main ScriptFTP website if you need help.
Post here if you experience file transfer problems or unexpected errors.

Is there a option to use the MPUT command?
I know that within the script you can use exec and then perhaps you can use MPUT. but does ScriptFTP has a similiar command?

The problem i face is this:
I have a script that checks a folder every x time.
When there are files waiting it will copy them to a temp folder and from there it will create "empty ok files"
These files and the original files will be uploaded.
I first upload the original files and later i upload the trg files.

This is timeconsuming and i look for a faster way to upload the whole directory at once.....Is the only solution putfile *.* ?


Technially specking from an ftp command point of view:

mput [local-files] = put [n] + put (n+1] + .....

Since mput will expand any wild cards in the list of local files given as arguments and do a put for each file in the resulting list.

Thus in ScriptFTP the PUTFILE command combiens both put and mput.

Hope this helps.

Certainly that helps...
I will review my script and see if i can workaround my problem....
and increase the upload speed..
