ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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Scriptftp is a great program, I´m having som trouble getting my script to work with upload a file to a ftp server that doesn´t allow me to list directories.
(Not allowed to use LIST cmd" it´s a shared ftphub that is used to communication between different systems.

How do I work around this error:

***** PUTFILE Error #550: Cannot read file listing of /in_tmp.
***** The server said: Permission denied.

Is it possible to tell scriptftp not to list, just put the file there?

Best regards
Hello Nuub,

I've just revised how PUTFILE is coded and I found that it requests the remote file listing always, even if it does not need it at all. I've fixed it and now it only requests the file listing when needed (when the optional parameter SUBDIRS is used). Please, download and install the fixed version at:


This fix and others will be included in the upcoming new version of ScriptFTP (3.2)

I suggest you to use also SETUPLOADMODE(DIRECT) to make ScriptFTP to upload files without using temporary filenames. This avoids renaming the remote file once uploaded. I think it may be useful in your case.

Please, let me know if you find anything wrong.