ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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I need to manipulate my path as part of my script. I believe I need to somehow capture the path using %PATH% and add to it. Do you have a suggestion?
It is very easy, for example:

[scriptftp="get_path_environment_variable.php"]$path = GETENV("PATH")[/ScriptFTP]

Note that if what you want to retrive is the current path (which is another thing, different from the PATH environment variable) try the following:

[scriptftp="get_current_local_and_remote_path"]$current_local_path = LOCALCWDIR()
$current_ftp_path = CWDIR()[/ScriptFTP]
how would I change the path? I need to zip a file any ideas using the java jar utility for that?
To change the current local or remote path you can use LOCALCHDIR or CHDIR respectively.

If you want to change the PATH environment variable (I guess this is not the case) you need to do it via the EXEC command. Like if you do it via the Windows command prompt.

Regarding the java jar utility, you can also use the EXEC command to call it from ScriptFTP.