ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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Is there a way to test against the file extension of a file name? After uploading file of various types, I would like to move them to subdirectories, based on their file extension. For example, .mpg files would get moved to a Videos subdirectory, .doc files would get moved to Scripts, etc.

Something like:

Is that possible? Thank you for your help.
Hi Tim,

It can be done this way:
Code: Select all#Connect to FTP server OPENHOST("ftp.myhost.com","myuserhere","mypasswordhere") # Change current local directory to D:\files LOCALCHDIR("D:\files") # Upload everything PUTFILE("*.*") # Get the remote file listing filtering the results to doc files only GETLIST($docfileslist,REMOTE_FILES,"*.doc") FOREACH $file IN $docfileslist # Warning, moving files this way only works   # on some FTP servers. See renamefile help topic RENAMEFILE($file,"docfilesdir/".$file) ENd FOREACH # Get the remote file listing filtering the results to txt files only GETLIST($txtfileslist,REMOTE_FILES,"*.txt") FOREACH $file IN $txtfileslist # Warning, moving files this way only works   # on some FTP servers. See renamefile help topic RENAMEFILE($file,"txtfilesdir/".$file) ENd FOREACH CLOSEHOST()