ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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Brand new to ScriptFTP today; looks like a winner!

I want to archive a local file to a local folder after it has been been uploaded. I want the folder named after the $time=GETFILETIME variable for that file. Best way to do this?
I figured it out. Here's what I did:
Code: Select all#Change to the local C:\foo\bar folder LOCALCHDIR('C:\foo\bar\') #Make the $time variable from the file modified time $time=GETFILETIME(LOCAL,"test.txt") #I think this is concatenation? $foldername="C:\foo\bar\archive\".$time."\" #Create the local directory C:\foo\bar\archive\$time\ LOCALMKDIR($foldername)  
Sound correct?

Yes, it seems to be correct :)

My apologies for replying so late. I have been receiving many emails lately.