ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

The forum is now read only. Please, go to the the main ScriptFTP website if you need help.
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Hello everyone and happy new year, I would like to make a script that every new file that is in the remote ftp server .... it downloads it in my local PC. Is there any script? Thanks a lot

You can download new files only with the SYNC command. For example:
FTP Script
  1. # Connect to FTP server
  2. OPENHOST("ftp.myhost.com","myuser","mypassword")
  4. # Synchronize a local directory from an FTP site
  5. SYNC("C:\accounting","/accounting",DOWNLOAD,SUBDIRS)
  7. # Close connection

You can also schedule this to be run, for example, every minute. This way you can get your local folder automatically updated
Hi, thanks for helping but i get this error...why?


Uploading temporary file to calculate server-client clock time difference

····· SYNC Error #17530

····· Access denied
Thanks Wandrey. ;)

If you do not have write permissions in the remote site ScriptFTP cannot calculate the clock time difference between your computer and the server (required for the SYNC command to run)

For this cases, SETCLOCKDIFF is used