ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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when i run Script Ftp toget files from a ftp fileserver the recieved files get a new date/timestamp.
I use :

[scriptftp="getfiles.ftp" ]# Connect to FTP server

# Log output to C:\transfer_log.txt

# Change current local dir to
LOCALCHDIR("D:\Prodin_Documenten_test\Business connector\Electronische inslagberichten\PartsNet\Nieuw")

# Download alle bestanden met extensie .PP2 en verwijder achteraf.
# Er zijn momenteel maximaal 20 levxxxxxx folders, als er eentje bijkomt moet deze aan dit script worden toegevoegd.


How can i maintain the date/timestamp on the recieved files ?

Ad van Baalen
Prodin Business Solutions
How can i maintain the date/timestamp on the recieved files ?
That is a very good question. ScriptFTP does not keep timestam on the downloaded files because there is no a standard way for the FTP server to report dates. Some of them report UTC times, others use local time, and many simply report a wrong time. This is because ScriptFTP simply ignores this information and sets a new date for evey downloaded file.