ftp automation


The professional tool to automate FTP, SFTP, FTPS and schedule FTP batch jobs

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Hello All,
I need some help on subtracting n days or hours from date obtained by GETDATE function: how can I obtain a date of today subtracting 7 days or 8 hours using $Today =GETDATE(FORMAT0). I need it in order to get only files produced in the last 8 hours, can somebody help me?

thanks a lot
Hello Alessandro,

It can be done this way:
Code: Select all# Example. Subtracting 7 days and 8 hours from # the current date/time $today=GETDATE(FORMAT0) PRINT("Currente time is: ".$today) # 7 days and 8 hours are converted to seconds # and subtracted from the current date/time $newdate=$today-(7*24*60*60)-(8*60*60) PRINT("New time is: ".$newdate)

Then, to download the files with a modification time greater than $newdate you can do the following:
Code: Select all# Get the file listing of the FTP server GETLIST($filelist,REMOTE_FILES,"*.*") # For each file, get the modification time and download # if that time is greater than the calculated time FOREACH $file IN $filelist $file_modification_time=GETFILETIME(REMOTE,$file) IF($file_modification_time>$newdate)  GETFILE($file) END IF END FOREACH
Fantastic !!! issue solved
thanks a lot
kindest regards