The following table shows a comparasion between the different ScriptFTP licenses. For purchasing and prices see the register section.

Site license Single user license Script file to EXE conversion service
Intended for Businesses Individuals IT professionals who provide ScriptFTP as part of their own solution
More information
Number of allowed installations Unlimited One PC Unlimited
Asks for license code each time is installed? Yes Yes No
Tech support Free. Installation, troubleshooting and script development. Priority support. Free. Installation and basic troubleshooting Free. Installation, troubleshooting and script development. Priority support.
Upgrades Free Free Free
Comments The installations are unlimited for the PCs that belong to the same organization. Redistribution is not allowed. Can be installed multiple times in the same PC. Icon, toolbar and program title can be customized. EXE files can be freely installed and redistributed.
More information.
Registration name and code are automatically sent by email just after placing the order. Registration name and code are automatically sent by email just after placing the order. Please, contact support including your script file or files after placing the order.